Rev. Bruce Frogge
still considers himself a Cornhusker even though he left Nebraska when he was 18 years old. He currently lives in Spring, Texas, with Donna (wife) and Zachariah (son). When Bruce isn’t goofing off with his family, he ministers at Cypress Creek Christian Church. Prior to moving to Texas, Bruce guided two church revitalization projects. In Kansas City, he helped Hillside Christian Church double its worship attendance, but more importantly, the church moved from an inward and protectionist attitude to a missional identity. In 2006, Bruce moved to Naples, Florida, to assist First Christian Church in the relaunching of its ministry. FCC of Naples made a dramatic shift by transforming its old survivalist mentality and selling its 40-year-old facility. It did so while also tripling its worship attendance. FCC of Naples is now a nimble congregation that is blowing and going with exciting ministry. Bruce does a daily devotional called Ecclesiological Etchings, and can be found at or
Hanna Fitch
is a seminarian at the University of Chicago Divinity School. Before being called to ministry, she followed the path to professional performance – having achieved her Bachelors degree in Vocal Performance. She has served churches in Illinois and Texas as the Director of Youth and Young Adult Programming (Decatur, IL), Director of Music Intern (Peoria, IL), Director of Alternative Worship (Chicago, IL), Administrative Assistant (Spring, TX) and Interim Worship Design Team Leader (Houston, TX). Hannah is passionate about discovering ways the church can live into its commitment to hospitality. With this passion she eagerly anticipates serving the 21st-century church.
Rev. Ashley Clarke
is the Pastor of Beechwood Christian Church in French Lick, IN. She answered her call to ministry in 2012 when a new church planter was needed in Lafayette, LA. She and her late husband, Frank, served the start up until his death in 2016 and she served one more year there supporting the community through the devastating movie theater shooting.
Rev. Ashley believes that Jesus should be as accessible and available today as he was when he walked the earth with us. She believes in sharing stories, being vulnerable in our faith, and meeting people where they are.
She volunteers in the school band program, is a member of the Lions Club, is a Girl Scout Leader, in the SV Ministerial Association, and in her spare time likes to crochet and spend time outdoors.
Rev. Dr. Don Sarton
is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and retired Vice President of the Christian Church Foundation. He served as pastor for congregations in California, Colorado, Nebraska and New Mexico. He also spent eight years as the protestant chaplain at Father Flanagan’s Girls and Boys Town, Boys Town, NE.
He and his wife Bev are currently active in the Tri-Faith Initiative in Omaha NE, that brings together into permanent residency a synagogue, church, mosque, and interfaith center on one 38-acre campus in the middle of America’s heartland. By its very model it challenges people of faith and goodwill to be conscious and proactive about the assets of faith in civil life in a religiously pluralistic society. The Tri-Faith Initiative aims to create a more inclusive culture in which religious pluralism is socially normative.
Rev. Roy L. King
is a retired ordained minister in the Christian Church (DOC) and Michelle Beech’s dad. He served congregations in five states and on regional and national boards, including National Parks Ministries and serving as the President of the Christian Church in Northern California.
Roy chose the Disciples because they let him “play on their baseball team.” Like any good teammate, he values the diversity of multi-denominational collaboration. “Each has it’s own unique strengths,” and since his goal has simply been to “go and make Disciples, no one denomination is more important than that.” His success reinvigorating stagnant churches brought two national job offers, both of which he declined to continue work on the ground.
An avid fisherman, he is most at home “in God’s Country” above 7,000 feet in the Rockies or Sierra Nevada Mtns.