Strong communities are built by uncovering and utilizing the gifts of individuals. We believe in connecting these gifts as a way to foster loving our neighbors, empower individuals and unify communities. This happens by connecting them to other people and organizations who can help them achieve their goals. Individuals can feel visible, heard and valued within their community. The Unifying Hearts process helps people find ways to best utilize their own strengths to build community, friendship, equity, and economic mobility. This is based on Assets Based Community Development, Roving Listeners, by DeAmon Harges.
Mission Statement
Unify and strengthen communities – one conversation with one connection at a time.
Ekklesia Justice Network Ministry Member of GOAL
Our Mission: do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God.’ – Micah 6:8
GOAL, Greenville Organization for Accountable Leadership, is a growing ministry coalition of 28 congregations in Greenville County, SC. Through the power of organized people, works to solve community problems. The mission of this ministry is to be a grassroots, direct action, multi-issue organization that addresses the problems at the source. Visit our website to learn about community problems we are addressing, to sign up for newsletter and more information.
We welcome you to join Ekklesia Justice Network & Unifying Hearts
De’Amon Harges
The Learning Tree, Community Development, Learning, and Education
Listen to a conversation on the power of listening to help build strong towns and our communities more resilient.

Making the Invisible Visible, De’Amon Harges
De’Amon Harges trains 35 attendees on Asset Based Community Development, 9/30, 10/1, 2021. This is Poet, Desimber Rose, spoken word, The Listening Tree.
Dot Russell, Celebrating the Gift of her Biscuit making, 2/2022

Tracey Mulvaney shares her gift of flower design with Unity Health on Main, Sterling neighbor and Iglesia Jesus el Rey (Asambleas de Dios) Church.
Jerry Blassingame, Founder & CEO Soteria Community Corp.
Alecia Brewster, CEO Love First, LLC
Cynthia Mitchel, CES The Palmetto Group, LLC, Aiken SC
Jim Mulvaney, Board Chairperson, Ekklesia Global
Norma Jean Suarez, Executive Director, Unity Health on Main, Greenville, SC
Unifying Hearts in Greenville, SC is an outreach of Ekklesia Global, a faith community and 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

There are some people we come across in life who are the embodiment of service to others. They share everything they have and put all of their energy into making good things great! That’s exactly who Tracey Mulvaney is. She’s a connector, with a gift of social networking. With a passion for listening to others and discovering their unique talents, Tracey uses her wide social network to connect people who otherwise might not cross paths.
Tracey is a founding member of Ekklesia and has been integral in its growth. She works diligently to define her ministry and its role in the form of Asset Based Community Development.With ABCD in mind, Tracey founded Unifying Hearts to seek out people’s gifts and connect them to others. Tracey believes her life is much richer with the stories of those she has met through Unifying Hearts. Ekklesia hopes you will be inspired on your own path to God.
Want to know more about Unifying Hearts?
Thank you to our partners

Elbert W. Rogers Foundation